
Mighty. Loud.™

Brief: Get men with wives, girlfriends, daughters, nieces, cousins, mothers, and girl friends who are unaware of the dangers and fears women face each day to become aware of and proactive about attacks on females by respectfully educating them.

Art Director: Banks Church

Copywriter: Emie Garrett

“Every 9 seconds in the US a woman is assaulted or beaten.”

Good Housekeeping, 2022

“One in every three women, approximately 736 million worldwide, have endured physical and psychological violence.”

United Nations, 2019

“Physical and sexual assaults are now a threat to female well-being to such a degree that it could be called a pandemic.”

World Economic Forum, 2022

82% of all juvenile sexual assault victims are female.

90% of adult rape victims are female.

Legal Jobs, 2023

“Adolescents aged 14‐17 were by far the most likely to be sexually victimized; nearly one in six (16.3%) was sexually victimized in the past year.”

Legal Jobs, 2023

Men, help the women in your lives protect themselves.

Be Mighty Loud with Birdie.


PETA | TruCost

